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In meaning most literal, Oxford English Dictionary define as “every activity or turbulence of mind, passion feeling; every great mind condition”. Emotion is pursuant to at one particular typical minds and feeling, a situation of biologist and psychological and also tendency to act. Theoreticians make groups of emotion, and become some big groups, that is:
- Dander: hate, big angry, wild, run amuck, sick over, sulky, aggrieved, inimically, act hardness, and dislike of pathologic.
- Sorrow: sad, melancholic, pain, dismal, bleak, refused, hopeless and heavy depression.
- Have cold feet: fear, attentive, nervous, worrying, not peace, and as pathology is phobia and panic.
- Enjoyment: happy, satisfied, pride, amused, sweet.
- Love: acceptance, friendship, trust, kindliness of liver, love.
- Surprised: amazedly and surprise.
- Sick over: corny, queasy, disgusted, dislike.
- Shame: feel wrongly, lowly, ignominy, penitent.
And the top from an emotion is temperament, which is readiness of to peep out emotion / certain mood which make people become gloomily, fear, or brighten up. So emotion can be defined as situation of resulted mind is influence from outside.